Thursday, January 30, 2014

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The last couple of days have been quite a whirlwind!

On one hand I experienced performances by brilliant artists like Rakesh Chaurasia, Rahul Sharma, Aditi Mangaldas and others.  Never before had I had a chance to experience for myself the power of classical arts.  It was humbling and exhilarating, and peaceful!

On the other hand I found myself to be more irritable than what I have been lately.  I find myself easily provoked by the smallest things.  Even if I am able to seemingly control my rage/frustration (not really), my self is not at peace during these instances (and for a while after)

It's like there are these two sides of me battling with each other.......
One being the person feeling good and happy with himself & around.
And the other a frustrated monster wanting to ravage its surroundings for no particular reason

Both are getting evoked rather quickly
Both are highly potent, but don't last long

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Excerpt from Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2

I know that’s what you think now, but people change their minds. Often our intentions are strong at first, but as time goes on they weaken, just like an apple sticks to the tree when it is unripe but falls to the ground once it ripens. The promises we make to ourselves in emotional moments lose their power once the emotion passes. Great grief and joy may rouse us to action, but when the grief or joy have passed, we’re no longer motivated to act. Joy turns to grief in the blink of an eye, and grief becomes joy just as quickly. This world is not made for either one to last long in, and it’s no surprise that even our loves change along with our luck. It’s still a mystery to be solved whether luck controls love, or love controls luck. When a great man has a run of bad luck, watch how followers desert him, and when a poor man advances to an important position, he makes friends with the people he used to hate. Love is unreliable. A person with lots of money will always have friends, while one fallen on hard times makes an enemy of any friend he turns to for money. But back to my original point—what we want and what we get are always at odds. We can have our little dreams, but the fates decide our futures.

(Translated to modern day english)


Once upon a time long long ago
there was a warrior wearing an armour which covered from head to toe

The armour would make sure that when in battle, ones blood wont flow
But it was welded and so heavy. In order to battle, to the battlefield one has to go