Thursday, January 30, 2014

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The last couple of days have been quite a whirlwind!

On one hand I experienced performances by brilliant artists like Rakesh Chaurasia, Rahul Sharma, Aditi Mangaldas and others.  Never before had I had a chance to experience for myself the power of classical arts.  It was humbling and exhilarating, and peaceful!

On the other hand I found myself to be more irritable than what I have been lately.  I find myself easily provoked by the smallest things.  Even if I am able to seemingly control my rage/frustration (not really), my self is not at peace during these instances (and for a while after)

It's like there are these two sides of me battling with each other.......
One being the person feeling good and happy with himself & around.
And the other a frustrated monster wanting to ravage its surroundings for no particular reason

Both are getting evoked rather quickly
Both are highly potent, but don't last long

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